Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Stay Sane - the School Diaries

Hey guys,
In two days, I will have been back at school for exactly a month. And let me tell you, I am starting to feel it. The endless highlighting, summarising, revision, essays and lugging of books has my body and my brain aching.

It's leaving me wondering how in the world I'm going to get through the next ten months. So I've put together a system to help ease the pain:

  • Travel mugs. If you don't have one - you need one. Not only does leaving the house with a warm cup of lovin' leave you feeling cared-for and toasty, but they are the perfect breakfast-on-the-go solution (and we all know how much I love those). Smoothies, nutrition shakes, even hot porridge can get slopped into these puppies about 30 seconds before you're out the door. Pack a spoon, and you're off!
  • Water bottles. If you love the polar bears you'll grab yourself a re-fillable one. I never realised the impact of hydration - it's such a pain to keep drinking it all the time. But even if you only gulp down 50cl during the school day (that's an average Volvic water bottle size), the difference in how much more alert and - wait for it - cleaner you feel is shocking.
  • Post-it notes. The best study tool I've found. Post-it. Everything. Pretty colours, too. The vibrancy helps keep the creative side of your brain awake when you're working, and you can colour-code topics or levels of difficultly. PLUS, you can write yourself funny little notes. Or is that one just me?
  • Highlighters. See "Post-it notes" for details. Sooooo worth the extra time it takes to get your reading done. I like to go back over my notes at the end of the class and spend five minutes highlighting stuff I'm likely to forget.
  • Emergency kit. You could get one from a website like, or you could DIY-it. I keep a baby dry-shampoo, mascara, eyeliner, tweezers, nail file, concealer and tinted lip-salve in my gold Bobbi Brown travel pouch. Which I can't photograph for you because my camera has gone AWOL. Gahhhhh
  • A finishing touch. Not necessary, but still nice. I scented a mahoosive wad of note paper at the end of the summer, and it makes me happy every time I get my writing pad out.
My guilty pleasure - it's a highlighter... and Post-its!
I hope this helps some of you! Are there any tips of your own you feel like sharing? Heaven knows, I need all the help I can get.
And now, my History essay is calling (screeching, actually - it's due tomorrow).

Wish me luck xx

Opening image courtesy of:
Post-it pen image courtesy of:


  1. this is great :) im loving this!

  2. your tips are going to get me through the school year. thanks so much :)

  3. so helpful :) going to do this now
    P.S waiting for a manicure video :)

  4. handy tips during school times.. thanks! helpful :)
