Saturday, 23 October 2010

Breakfast Solutions: Oatso Simple

So I know this isn't really a beauty or style post but if you don't have your health you have nothing, right?
I don't know about you guys but when I was little, my mum tried valiantly and at regular intervals do get some porridge down my gullet. Ick. She tried it with honey, with berries, even with Nesquik powder. Nada. I was not going to eat no porridge.
I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it again: I am not a morning person. Ideally, I would just roll out of bed around the crack of noon and roam the streets in my PJs, but I can't. Somehow I get my feet on the floor, wash my face and body, do my hair, makeup and make it out the door - with no breakfast. This was never a regular thing - up until a few years ago I had never once missed breakfast. But as schoolwork increased, commutes became longer and I had to deal with putting together pretty outfits, it started to happen. Now, when people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, they mean it! It's not even about setting you up right or keeping your energy levels up (though of course it helps), but eating a healthy, moderate breakfast will keep you at a healthy, moderate weight. The same applies to eating balanced, decent meals at regular time intervals every day - you train your metabolism to expect food at a certain time so that it doesn't try and store energy in reserves. But if you're going to choose between breakfast and anything else, choose the former: your metabolism says "Hello, I'm awake now and because I'm being fed I know I'll have more food in a few hours so I am chilllllllled OUT!"

Yes? The hardest part for me is finding something nutritious, quick and scrummy. And here it is: Quaker Oats Oatso Simple sachets. One sachet (27g) with 180ml semi-skimmed milk holds 183 calories, 2.5g fibre, and 8.9g protein. I like the Sweet Cinnamon flavour best, but uou can check out the whole range here.

And the best part? All you have to do is add milk, microwave for 2 minutes, and ENJOY!

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Max Factor 'Smoky Eye Effect' eyeshadow sticks review

Hey everyone,
So most of you have probably seen the ad for Max Factor's new(ish) creation: the Smoky Eye Effect eyeshadows (right). Now I don't know about y'all, but it takes me forever to do a really good smoky eye - and who has that kind of time on a regular basis?
The little short-cut-seeker that I rarely admit to being, I saw the gorgeous makeup in this ad and skipped out to git me some o' what she got (*insert Southern accent*).
The kits are cream shadows that come in double-ended sticks - one end for all over lid colour, and another conveniently tapered side for your crease. The sticks were on a two for three offer, so I bought Purple Dust, Silver Storm and Onyx Smoke (which is what the model wears in the campaign). Then I dashed along home to play with them.
The sticks are labelled 'Step 1' and 'Step 2', incase you're a total idiot (me) and can't work it out for yourself. They're very smooth in consistency, and relatively easy to apply. With the application, my one gripe is that the 'Step 1 ' or dome-shaped end, has to be pressed quite hard against your lid before you get noticeable colour. I would definitely prefer if this end were flat-topped. All the colours have a sheen to them, so they're not matte but there's no crazy glitterfest happening there.
My favourite of the three is probably Purple Dust, as it's very easy to create a day-to-night neutral smoky eye with. If you're planning on getting these babies know that:

  1. Using a primer with them will give you the best results, as they do have a tendency to crease into your skin.
  2. A fluffy eyeshadow brush (yes, I know they are cream shadows; and yes, I know they say you don't need to use anything but the stick for the 'perfect smoky eye') buffed over a generous amount of the shadows will make it look fabulous.
If all else fails, these are wonderful eye makeup primers and colour bases for more complex looks!
Thanks for reading xx
Advert image:
Eyeshadow sticks image:

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Dripping Moisture, Dazzling Shine

Hey guys,
To provide a full background to this post would mean going into the ins and outs of my hair. Boring and also very long. I will probably film a video on it and try to spice it up a little. Perhaps a little series on growing my hair out - would you guys be interested in that?
Anywho, the nub and gist of things is that about two months ago, my hair got very dry and dull. It pretty much looked like it was full of dust and felt like it was made of straw. I hadn't been abusing it, so what gives? But using a small variety of products and techniques, I managed to get it looking prettyyyy again :) and now I'm letting you in on the secret...
  1. Shower Time
  • As with most beauty routines, healthy, moisturised and shiny hair starts in the shower. I prefer moisturising shampoos over 'shine-enhancing ones'. They just do the job better. The main thing to look for is a shampoo with no more than one sulfate in it. Check out the deets here.
  • I like to deep condition in place of a regular conditioner every time I wash my hair. Don't freak out - I body shower, shave, all that jazz on a daily basis, but I only shampoo every three days. For those in-betweeners, dry shampoo is your best friend. You can watch my video on how to use dry shampoo properly (and my favourite brands) here.
  • Once a week before bed I'll coat my hair with my deep conditioner, clip it up and cover my hair with either a shopping bag or cling-film (whatever's handy). Wake up, wash out, presto - pretty hair.
2. Styling
  • There are two to three products I use once my hair has been towel dried. The first is the Herbal Essences Beautiful Ends Split End Protection Cream. This just acts as a leave-in conditioner and strengthener.
  • Then I apply a generous amount of Shine Shock High-Shine Perfecting Glosser from the John Frieda Brilliant Brunettes line through my ends, then spread the remainder through the top sections of my hair.
  • If it's a damp or rainy day, I'll use a ten-pence sized amount of John Frieda Frizz-Ease Weather-Proofing Style Sealant Creme. In short, hair cuticles that aren't flat (i.e. frizzy) aren't shiny. The top cause of frizzy hair: not having enough moisture in the cuticle. This means hair pulls moisture from the air causing it to go kerr-azy. A good anti-frizz product will either provide enough moisture to quench the hair shaft, or create a weather-proof barrier around it so that no unwanted water gets in.
3. Finishing Touch
  • However I've styled my hair, I'll rub a pinkie-nail sized amount of shine serum between my palms and skim over my hair.
  • Last but not least, I use a shine-finish hairspray like Dream Hair Sublime Style Super-Fine Hairspray by Charles Worthington. Opt for a spray with flexible hold that is weather-proof to eliminate that nasty frizz and stop the whole cement-head fiasco.
It worked for me, so now you can try it for yourselves! Fancy giving it a go? Leave me a comment on how you get on, and on what you do to keep your hair shiny and healthy!

Until next time x

Sunday, 10 October 2010


Hey everyone,
So being the nail varnish freak that I am, I have a newwww craze: GLITTER POLISHES. My favourites?

OPI's "Absolutely Alice"

  • The entire OPI Alice in Wonderland Collection. (I talk about these in my September favourites video). *sigh* Just gorgeous.
  • Silver 555 by GOSH Cosmetics. This is possibly my favourite polish of all time - It genuinely is a silver nail varnish, and it's so highly pigmented that you only have to apply two normal coats to get perfect strong colour (none of that 'metallic' watery gunk here, thank you). It's proper glitter and unlike the Alice in Wonderland colours, is doesn't have great big chunks of actual sparkles in it.
  • BYS Nail Enamel in Pot of Gold. More of a top coat or finishing touch, but still so pretty.
But for anyone who has worn glitter polishes before, you will know the dampener... removal time. OH my goodness, it is such a pain. The cotton pads catch on the glitter flakes and you're left with a tinge of colour and a roughness that you can either spend hours removing or days living with.
Cutex Nourishing Nail Polish
Remover is a fave...
    Well - not any more! Obsessed, I wasn't about to stop wearing my new friends just because they had a nasty aftermath. So here's a little tip I came up with to help you say a goodbye to those sparkles:

    1. Pour an acetone-based (read the label) nail varnish remover into a small side-bowl or sugar pot. Anything with a small diameter that your can get one hand into will do. You won't need to pour more than a depth of 2cm into it.
    2. Dip the fingernails of one hand into your bowl, so that the whole of each nail is completely immersed. Best to leave them in for 2-3 minutes.
    3. Dip a cotton pad into the polish remover and then gently slide it over each nail. Repeat once if necessary.
    4. MOISTURISE like you never have before. It's always a good idea to apply a hand cream or Vaseline generously after using a nail varnish remover, because it will dry your hands and nails out. 
    I hope this helps you guys - I know it's taken the pain out of sparkle polishes for me!

    Love coming your way xx
    OPI polish image:
    Cutex nail varnish remover image: