Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Dripping Moisture, Dazzling Shine

Hey guys,
To provide a full background to this post would mean going into the ins and outs of my hair. Boring and also very long. I will probably film a video on it and try to spice it up a little. Perhaps a little series on growing my hair out - would you guys be interested in that?
Anywho, the nub and gist of things is that about two months ago, my hair got very dry and dull. It pretty much looked like it was full of dust and felt like it was made of straw. I hadn't been abusing it, so what gives? But using a small variety of products and techniques, I managed to get it looking prettyyyy again :) and now I'm letting you in on the secret...
  1. Shower Time
  • As with most beauty routines, healthy, moisturised and shiny hair starts in the shower. I prefer moisturising shampoos over 'shine-enhancing ones'. They just do the job better. The main thing to look for is a shampoo with no more than one sulfate in it. Check out the deets here.
  • I like to deep condition in place of a regular conditioner every time I wash my hair. Don't freak out - I body shower, shave, all that jazz on a daily basis, but I only shampoo every three days. For those in-betweeners, dry shampoo is your best friend. You can watch my video on how to use dry shampoo properly (and my favourite brands) here.
  • Once a week before bed I'll coat my hair with my deep conditioner, clip it up and cover my hair with either a shopping bag or cling-film (whatever's handy). Wake up, wash out, presto - pretty hair.
2. Styling
  • There are two to three products I use once my hair has been towel dried. The first is the Herbal Essences Beautiful Ends Split End Protection Cream. This just acts as a leave-in conditioner and strengthener.
  • Then I apply a generous amount of Shine Shock High-Shine Perfecting Glosser from the John Frieda Brilliant Brunettes line through my ends, then spread the remainder through the top sections of my hair.
  • If it's a damp or rainy day, I'll use a ten-pence sized amount of John Frieda Frizz-Ease Weather-Proofing Style Sealant Creme. In short, hair cuticles that aren't flat (i.e. frizzy) aren't shiny. The top cause of frizzy hair: not having enough moisture in the cuticle. This means hair pulls moisture from the air causing it to go kerr-azy. A good anti-frizz product will either provide enough moisture to quench the hair shaft, or create a weather-proof barrier around it so that no unwanted water gets in.
3. Finishing Touch
  • However I've styled my hair, I'll rub a pinkie-nail sized amount of shine serum between my palms and skim over my hair.
  • Last but not least, I use a shine-finish hairspray like Dream Hair Sublime Style Super-Fine Hairspray by Charles Worthington. Opt for a spray with flexible hold that is weather-proof to eliminate that nasty frizz and stop the whole cement-head fiasco.
It worked for me, so now you can try it for yourselves! Fancy giving it a go? Leave me a comment on how you get on, and on what you do to keep your hair shiny and healthy!

Until next time x

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